Arab economies boosted by expats
30 May 2016

Remittances from Egyptian and Jordanian expats are playing a major role in their countries’ economies, according to new data, with more than $2 billion (Dhs7 billion) sent home last year.

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UAE coins

Dubai-based Xpress Money highlighted World Bank figures showing just how valuable earnings made in the UAE and the MENA region are to the two Arab states.

In 2015, Egypt received an estimated $19.7 billion (Dhs72.3 billion) in remittances from across the world, of which $1.83 billion (Dhs6.7 billion) came from the UAE.

Meanwhile, Jordan received $3.8 billion (Dhs14 billion) from countries across the globe, with the UAE contributing $716 million (Dhs2.2 billion) to the total.
